Constitution of companies

Commercial and Corporate Law

Our specialised team of commercial and corporate lawyers will be able to advise you both in your commercial activity and in corporate operations, while always looking for legal alternatives to achieve the business objectives of our clients

Within this speciality are the following areas of practice:


  • Drafting, analysis, assistance and negotiation of all kinds of commercial contracts necessary for ordinary business: distribution, agency, franchise, lease, licence, provision of services, logistics and outsourcing.
  • Extrajudicial actions that could derive from the aforementioned commercial or contractual relationships.
  • Collaboration and confidentiality agreements.
  • Advice on international contracting.


  • Constitution, dissolution and liquidation of all kinds of commercial companies, as well as structural modifications (mergers, divisions and transformations).
  • Statutory preparation and modifications.
  • Trading of securities: participations and shares.
  • Drafting of partner agreements.
  • Legalisation of Books and Minutes.
  • Legal guidance to the Board of Directors or the Shareholders’ Meeting in relation to problems and questions that may arise in corporate law matters


  • Regulation of pre-insolvency situations.
  • Bankruptcy administrations.
  • Bankruptcy hearings.
  • Advice on the Debt cancellation Law (Law 25/2015, July 28, on the debt cancellation mechanism, reduction of financial burdens and other social measures).

Using these specialities provides companies with comprehensive advice, which is farther amplified by the different tax/accounting and employment departments, which is why the Deyfin ETL Commercial Law department offers high quality, direct, personalised attention to customers.

Ask us about your case by filling in the following form

Responsible: Deyfin ETL SL
Purpose: Collection of personal data to be able to attend to your request
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party
Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation
Rights: Access, rectify or delete the data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information